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Go San Diego Card

    The GO San Diego Card is an all access card which grants you entry to 45 TOP attractions!

    Discover San Diego’s must-see attractions, including the San Diego Zoo, LEGOLAND® California and the Safari Park. Tour the city by bike or rent a kayak, enjoy a tour around the harbour and more....there is definitely something for everyone with the GO Card!

    Your GO San Diego Card gives you the chance to enjoy the city at your own leisure. Create your itinerary as you go, without any limits – you can do as much as you want each day!

    Plus the 7 day GO San Diego Card now includes a special bonus offer – a visit to SeaWorld San Diego!

    For a full list of what's included in your GO San Diego Card, please click here


    Important information: Go San Diego Card inclusions are subject to change without notice. No refunds can be given in the event of any changes.
    Go San Diego Card can only be used once at each attraction.

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