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South Beach Food Tour

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    Lo más destacado

    • Set out to taste a melting pot of global cuisine and learn all about the history and architecture of Miami’s Art Deco District
    • See locations of movie sets and the important landmarks in the area
    • Visit up to 5 different eateries and get tastings of empanadas, ceviche, mariquitas, panozzo and gelato
    • Guided by local food experts who will tell you all about the cuisine you’re eating and restaurants that are must-visits


    • Tour tickets
    • Tour guide
    • Food and beverages

    No incluye

    • Gratuity

    Política de cancelación

    Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

    Tickle your tastebuds with Latin, American and European flavours on this walk that not only offers great food, but also a chance to learn about Miami’s culture and history. From empanadas to gelato, there's something delectable for everybody.

    Your e-tickets will be sent to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your phone at the pick-up point.

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