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Safari en el desierto

Mountain Safari

mountain safari-2
  • Traslados incluidos

Lo más destacado

  • Take a long ride across the Emirate to discover the gems in Ras Al Khaimah
  • Explore the mountainous terrains in the region which have a wide array of rare features to boast
  • Enjoy a sumptuous picnic lunch during the tour


  • Transfers
  • Picnic lunch

No incluye

  • Gratuity

Política de cancelación

Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

You start with the local camel race track in Ras Al Khaimah and you pass by the Falaj Al Mualla oasis. Your next destination will be the exciting Jebel Jais Mountain; the tallest peak in the UAE (at over 1900 meters). The mountain is rugged, at times windswept and will provide you with sweeping views of the valley beyond. Your next stop will be the historical Dhayah Fort from where you will enjoy a spectacular view over the Oasis, the blue waters of the Persian Gulf to one side and the scenic Hajjar Mountains flanking the other.

Your voucher will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. Please display the same on your mobile phone at the time of pickup.

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