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Excursión Guiada en Bicicleta por Versalles con Prioridad desde París

136 Valoraciones
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Elizabeth Simmons



ene, 2018

Online bookings really make it so convenient. We were totally stressfree and relaxed for this tour. Everything was sorted for us. We started our day at about 9am and just didnt realise how soon it ended. The Palace of Versailles is totally mesmerising experience to be done at leisure. I would strongly recommend this tour as this was the best way to cover it!
Diana Hoeft



ene, 2018

Had we not taken the biking option on this tour we couldn't have done justice to the stunning gardens around the Chateau. The tree line beautiful trails are the ideal way to witness the beauty of these carefully planned and maintained gardens. Our guide made it all the more fun for us with interesting historical facts and stories.The palace anyway leaves you spellbound! I had made our bookings on Headout.
June Finn



ene, 2018

My teenagers and I totally freaked out on this amazing biking tour in Versailles. Biking on those garden trails with our guide was a beautiful experience. We stopped by the grand canal for our picnic lunch which was so enjoyable. The grandeur and glitter of the Hall of Mirrors was enchanting! I am so glad we booked the priority access option of this tour on this website. We spent no time waiting and had a great day!
Abraham Defalco



dic, 2017

We were recommended this tour by our friends who had recently been to Versailles. We booked it on this website. It was indeed a great experience! Enjoyed covering the beautiful gardens and the outside areas on the bikes. The manicured gardens with hundreds of fountains and sculptures are something that cannot be described but only experienced. The grandeur of the palace puts you in total awe.
Berta Solorzano



dic, 2017

Beautiful way to cover the most famous and stunning attraction around Paris! I booked this tour on Headout. Loved the biking experience. Tour of the ornate King and Queen's State is an experience of a lifetime! The stunning architecture, the ornate walls, the gardens lined with fountains and sculptures...everything takes you back to the rich history of the place. It was awesome!
Andre Vangundy



dic, 2017

We booked Versailles Guided Bike Tour with Priority from Paris on this website. This was a great day tour. There was so much to explore and see in this trip. Palace of Versailles is truly a marvellous creation of the 17th century. The ornate architecture, the grandeur, the enormity...everything is mind-blowing. Biking around the grounds of this amazing palace was the best thing to do. Loved the whole experience!
Harry Thomas



dic, 2017

We wanted to do the palace of Versailles at leisure so we had kept aside an entire day for it. I booked Versailles Guided Bike Tour with Priority from Paris on this website. This was a wise decision. We got enough time to explore and absorb the place. the only regret I have is that I didnt buy tickets for the musical fountain show. I believe thats something not to be missed.
Martha Chavez



dic, 2017

This tour was very good but it did turn out to be quite expensive. The priority access made things much simpler for us but came for a cost and so did the bikes. Those on a budget should think twice about this option.
David Ricker



nov, 2017

When travelling you are always hardpressed for time. I like to make my bookings in advance and always look for time saving options even if it costs me a few extra bucks. I booked Versailles Guided Bike Tour with Priority from Paris on this website. It turned out to be very good. I could cover this amazing palace at my own pace and had a great time.
Victoria Harrison



nov, 2017

The whole experience was simply Wow! Biking, picnic lunch, splendid castle, beatiful gardens and the French architecture and feel! It was totally worthwhile taking this tour! The priority access ensured no wastage of time!
Mary Tellez



nov, 2017

It was so convenient to book this tour online. It gave us priority access which saved us a lot of time. We loved the biking and picnic experience a lot. The world famous palace leaves you speechless.
Judy Sykes



nov, 2017

This was the best tour for a biking enthusiast like me! I booked this on Headout. The fantastic biking trails to explore the enormous Château grounds made it such a refreshing and exciting tour. Our guide made it so much easier and interesting tour. The palace ofcourse is splendid. This was an excellent experience.
Anita Kaminski



nov, 2017

If you are a biking fan then this is a very good option for you to do palace of Versailles. You get to go around the whole estate biking the beautiful trails. its a guided biking tour so you go around pretty systematically. The castle experience by itself is also wonderful. Marie-Antoinette’s Estate is another veryinteresting part of this tour. It gives you a peek into the lives of the Royal. The online deals on this website are pretty decent.
Penny Dever



oct, 2016

The entire outfit is extremely professional.
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