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Tour guiado por Siena en grupo reducido con entrada opcional a la catedral

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Campbell Nolte



oct, 2023

El guía era estupendo, fue una pena que otros guías estuvieran enfermos, nuestro grupo no era pequeño, ¡era grande!
Ver la reseña original en inglés
Radostina Kovacheva-Stutely



abr, 2023

We were waiting and waiting for our guide being at the right spot but a bit on the side as there were many groups coming by busses. Nobody appear and we left very disappointed. I sent a message asking for a refund. Only then, I got a phone call from the guide. I had to ask a man from the nearest icecream shop to speak in italian in order to understand where is the group. Finally we found them but usually they should look to find us. I didnt know that we should be together with a big group coming from Florence. I use guides in every place in Italy and elsewhere. The groups are relatively small and the guide looks for the participants and wears a badge or holds an umbrella or a flag so to be easy recognised. After we met, one of 3 of us remained with no head phones and a device.
Georgina Batten



oct, 2022

Hello, we had a lovely time. The guide was EXCELLENT. There were some elderly people in the group that started arguing with her, I think they wanted a more personalised experience. She handled it really well, as they were particularly beligerant, and carried on delivering an excellent and really knowledgable tour. She has such passion for her city and it really shows. 10/10, would recommend.
Caralyn Wichers



sep, 2022

Maddison F



jul, 2021

The tour was a great way to walk through Siena and see its monuments. The guide was very friendly and knowledgeable, and we had a wonderful time.
Olivia Fergusson



jun, 2021

The guide was very friendly, and made the tour experience great. We thoroughly enjoy listening to her talk about each of the attractions and their history.
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