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Viena: entrada al Monasterio de Klosterneuburg

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Jodie Asaraf



may, 2023

The tour of the winery was interesting and the guide was lovely. Due to the weird scheduling of the individual tours we were not able to do more than this one tour. We would have had to wait an hour after it finished to go on the general tour. Much of the things to see without a guide were beautiful but those that were open without a guide were very limited. For the long trip outside of Vienna it was not worth the amount we got to see there. Arriving by public transporation was easy (except for the climb up stairs from the road).
Anton Lipp



nov, 2023

Ingrid Knoche



ago, 2022

Karoline Lingl



jul, 2022

Danielle Winters



may, 2021

What a wonderful place! Visiting the monastery was a last minute decision on our part, as I do not usually visit places such as these. I was persuaded by my husband, and I am glad he did so. The monastery is now among my favorite places in Vienna! Pros - - We booked our tickets here, and got access to all the guided tours that were scheduled throughout the day. - Our guide was very friendly and clearly enthusiastic about the subject. We learned loads of history about the monastery. - The tour did not feel rushed, we took our time to explore the Treasure Chamber, the museum and the wine cellar. - The collection of artworks is both extensive and beautiful. Cons - - The church may not be accessible if you visit during ceremonies like Mass and Divine Office. - The place has a lot of history, so the information can seem much to take in at a time, but you can always ask the guide to explain some parts one more time. Tips - - Book tickets online for convenient entry and ensure an expert guide to take you through the Abbey - The guided tours have different timings; plan your visit accordingly so that you don’t miss out on any particular tour you want to join. At the end of the day, the monastery is a place worth visiting for everyone who appreciates great architecture, art and history. Would definitely visit again if we ever return to Vienna.
Mitch Reynolds



abr, 2021

A lot of beautiful pieces of art such as the archducal hat and the Verdun altar. However, as a wine lover, the baroque wine cellar is a personal favorite!
Trevor Keaton



abr, 2021

Beautiful monastery and an interesting exhibition and museum.
Gary Monroe



mar, 2021

Highly recommend it! We were doubtful that we would be able to cover the museum, monastery, exhibition and the winery in one visit, but everything went smoothly. Our guide was very informative and told us a lot of interesting history about the place.
Simone Logan



feb, 2021

Lovely place! I booked the tickets here and was able to access different guided tours throughout the day.
15 €
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