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    IMDb Rating: 7/10


    On a 120 year journey to another planet, two people, Jim (Chris Pratt) and Aurora (Jennifer Lawrence) are left to their own devices when they are woken up from their slumber 90 years too early.

    Awakened from their hibernation pods when an asteroid hits their spaceship and it begins to malfunction, Aurora and Jim now have to figure out ways to sustain themselves on the ship. Things take a turn for the worse when they realize their ship is in grave danger: and now it’s up to them to save the lives of the 5000 people on board.


    "Titanic amongst the stars - this is a touching, heartfelt tale of loss and love for the Gravity generation." - Empire

    "Lawrence can still surprise you with the depth of her soulfulness and, in this case, rage." - Vulture

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