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Night Out in Chinatown with Trishaw Ride & Dinner

    10-Second Takeaway

    • Explore Singapore by night, as you head to one of the most colorful parts of the city- Chinatown

    • With transfers to and from your hotel, you can just head out to enjoy the experience

    • Have dinner at a local restaurant for a truly authentic experience

    • Enjoy a traditional trishaw ride through the alleyways of Chinatown

    • You will also get a chance to cruise along the Singapore River on a bumboat

    Your Experience

    What used to be once the home of Chinese immigrants in Singapore, has become a bustling hub of commerce and culture. With many local shops and restaurants, you can experience a truly vivid atmosphere. Feast at a local restaurant to give your taste buds this experience. With all the streets lit up magically at night, a trishaw ride through these alleys is sure to be a memorable experience. Cruise along the historic Singapore River on a traditional bumboat as you learn about the origins of the city!

    Política de cancelación

    Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

    Your tickets will be emailed to you shortly. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

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