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Tenerife Island Tour

    There is so much more to Tenerife than sunshine and sand. Explore this beautiful island to learn more of its history, heritage and people.

    You'll depart from the south of the island and head in the direction of Playa de la Arena, passing the picturesque Los Gigantes cliffs en route. Your coach will continue climbing over the north west part of the island, through the district of Santiago del Teide, until you reach the Erjos heights - a point where great climatic and vegetational change is evident. From here you'll begin to descend to the El Tanque viewpoint which offers a panoramic view of Garachico, before stopping for coffee and refreshments with thirty minutes free time.

    Next is a visit to the old part of the town of La Orotava before setting off for Puerto de la Cruz, where you'll have 1 ½ hours for lunch (not included) and a visit to the resort itself. The return journey is via the scenic north/south motorway going past Tacoronte, San Cristóbal de la Laguna and the the island's capital - Santa Cruz.

    Please note: Occasionally actual days of operation are subject to change. If this is the case we will endeavour to book a day as close as possible to your original preferred day. Should this not be acceptable a full refund will be made.

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