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La Gomera Island Tour - From Tenerife

    Make the most of your holiday - see more of the beautiful Canary Islands on this island-hopping excursion!

    You'll leave Los Cristianos harbour (in the south of Tenerife) and board a ferry for San Sebastián de la Gomera, the capital of this extraordinary Canary Island. From here, you'll head south towards the Garajonay National Park, a wonderful nature reserve of laurel forests and a designated World Heritage site.

    You'll stop at the Agando vantage point with its impressive rock formations and weather permitting, stop to take photographs at the Vallehermoso vantage point which has a beautiful view of this northern borough.

    From 1pm to 2pm is a stop for lunch at either Las Rosas or Agulo (both restaurants are in the area between the coast and the mountains), where you can experience a demonstration of Gomera whistling! You'll continue on to Hermigua, which is set at the bottom of a deep ravine, before starting the return journey to San Sebastián. En route, you'll have the opportunity to see the last remaining fortifications of Christopher Columbus – the Torre del Conde (Count’s Tower), the chapel and the Pozo de la Aguada well then return by ferry to Los Cristianos.

    Please note: Occasionally actual days of operation are subject to change. If this is the case we will endeavour to book a day as close as possible to your original preferred day. Should this not be acceptable a full refund will be made.

    Important information:

    Once you are in resort and want to reconfirm your booking you will need to state the following information: Date of birth, Nationality, Passport Number and full names of all passengers. Please CALL TO BOOK and have the necessary details ready (Full Name, DOB, Passport Number and Nationality).

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