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Murder Mystery and Reception at Haunted Mount Vernon Hotel Museum

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    Head out on a haunted tour of the Mount Vernon Hotel with a murder mystery game to solve and wine and cheese to be enjoyed later in the garden.


    • Admissions to the historic Mount Vernon Hotel Museum

    • Be part of a thrilling murder mystery based loosely on true accounts

    • Enjoy a wine & cheese reception in the Museum’s private garden


    Head to the historic Mount Vernon Hotel Museum for a unique murder mystery experience. The Mount Vernon Hotel offered the residents of Manhattan a respite from the crowded city in the 19th century and is now a dedicated pre-American Civil War period monument.

    You will be part of a murder mystery game experience which is loosely based on an actual newspaper account. In the hotel, an unidentified skeleton has been discovered with no clues as to who the victim is, who the murderer is or the method of murder. You will get to explore the Museum by candlelight and collect clues to unravel the mystery and solve the case.

    You can go on the mystery solving path alone or collaborate with others and discover the truth as quickly as you can. Since the clues and story change every time, the experience will be a new one even if you have visited it before. After the experience, you'll have a wine & cheese reception in the Museum’s private garden!

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    Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

    Your tickets will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID

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