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Metropolitan Museum of Art: Badass Bitches Tour

metropolitan museum of art: badass bitches tour-2


    • Admission tickets

    • Professional tour guide

    No incluye

    • Hotel pick-up and drop-off


    • Skip The Ticket Line

    • Live Tour Guide

    • Free Add-ons: Badass Group Activities and Patriarchal Destruction

    • Wheelchair Accessible


    • A 2-hour, kick-ass tour for all feminists out there, celebrating the most awesome gender out there!

    • Fall in love with fascinating stories and facts behind the female artists and their artworks


    Your one-stop shop for a total celebration of feminism! This badass tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art takes you on a 2-hour journey of the women in the museum. Highlighting the best of womankind, this tour gives you fascinating insights into female artists and their subjects. You are sure to fall in love, dismantle patriarchy, and get inspired to change the world. Men and non-gender specified humans are welcome to join in and spread the fun!

    Política de cancelación

    Estas entradas no se pueden cancelar ni reprogramar.

    Your tickets will be emailed to you within 20 minutes of purchase. You must carry a printed copy of the tickets to the venue along with a valid photo ID.

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