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Renée Fleming sings Strauss and Barber

renée fleming sings strauss and barber-2

    Date: 28th August 2017

    Time: 20:00 - 22:20

    Venue: Great Hall

    Musician’s Bio: Renée Fleming

    Known as the ‘People’s Diva’, Renée is an opera singer/soprano. Her full lyric soprano voice encompasses the works of Mozart, Handel, French opera, jazz and indie rock. Her works include soprano roles in English, Czech, French, German, Italian, and Russian.

    Her career has seen her perform from the Far East to the Far West, spanning the length and breadth of the world. She has performed with countless operas and conductors since her debut in 1984. Renée has also appeared on various TV performances including the popular children’s show Sesame Street. In her highly decorated career, her most prominent accolades include the Swedish Polar Music Prize, the Richard Tucker Award, the National Medal of Arts and an Honorary Doctorate in Music by Harvard University.

    The Concert

    This concert is a treat from heaven. Featuring the greatest soprano of this generation - Renée Fleming, the concert is a two-hour-twenty-minute spectacle. The musicians will perform four classical scores, including works by Beethoven and Schumann.

    The Musicians

    • Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

    • Renée Fleming - Soprano

    • Sakari Oramo - conductor

    The Program

    • Beethoven - Overture "Leonore" No. 3 in C, op.. 72b

    • Barber - Knoxville: Summer of 1915, in. 24

    • R. Strauss - Daphne Verwandlung (from 'Daphne', 82).

    • R. Schumann - Third Symphony in E flat, op. 97 Rheinische '

    Additional Info

    • The concert has a break.

    • Prices of drinks included.

    Política de cancelación

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    You will get an email confirmation shortly. Please display the same on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID at the Box Office, in exchange for which you will receive your physical ticket.

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