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Whale Shark Encounter Snorkel Tour - Cancun

    Explore the beautiful Caribbean sea and take the chance to get up close and personal with the exotic, enormous whale shark. Despite being the largest “fish” in the world, this gentle giant is completely harmless, inviting you to swim alongside to pet its massive body.

    According to scientists working in the area, Holbox and Contoy have the highest population of whale sharks in the world. This trip was designed by local fishermen who have undergone professional training to offer this fantastic adventure. Learn all about these graceful giants of the ocean and feel free to ask any questions you might have as you experience their presence first hand.

    Travel along the Yucatan coast near Contoy Island, one of the most beautiful regions in the Peninsula. Snorkel the reef and admire the many colorful aquatic species who call the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea their home. Your guide will point out all hidden nooks and crannies so you don’t miss a thing!

    Many species, be it land, air or marine creatures, live in the Contoy Island Nature Reserve. These include such favorites as playful dolphins, manta rays and brilliant pink flamingos.

    Please note: The itinerary and inclusions of any ticket which features animals is subject to change without notice. We cannot offer any refunds when any such changes are made as these are beyond our control.
    No children under 5 years old or pregnant women are allowed to participate.
    Any participants must be able to swim on their own.


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