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Hard Rock Cafe San Diego

    In the 1900's, the Golden Lion Tavern drew people to the Gaslamp Quarter for fun and frivolity, and history hasn't changed much!

    Here it is less than a century later, and that same location has become a Hard Rock Cafe. The Gaslamp Quarter is a renovated historic area packed with restaurants, clubs and other attractions, a western Bourbon St. without the Cajun accents.

    From Hard Rock Cafe San Diego you're in a prime location for day trips. Journey to nearby San Diego Zoo Wild Animal Park, Sea World, Old Town or Balboa Park, then come back and end your day on the right note with us.

    The Cafe's cozy confines will wash all that local culture out of your head in no time, allowing you to fill it with important rock 'n' roll history and trivia.


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