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Cameron Highlands Tours

Escape to the stunning highlands of Cameron and embark on a scenic adventure with our expertly guided tours. Immerse yourself in lush greenery, cascading waterfalls, and local culture as you visit the tea plantations, and taste local delicacies.
Cameron Highlands Tours
Tea plantation in Cameron Highlands during shared full-day tour from Kuala Lumpur.
Tea plantation in Cameron Highlands during shared full-day tour from Kuala Lumpur.
Tea plantation in Cameron Highlands during shared full-day tour from Kuala Lumpur.
Tea plantation in Cameron Highlands during shared full-day tour from Kuala Lumpur.
Tea plantation in Cameron Highlands during shared full-day tour from Kuala Lumpur.
Tea plantation in Cameron Highlands during a shared full-day tour from Kuala Lumpur.
Tea plantation in Cameron Highlands with rolling green hills, part of a shared full-day tour from Kuala Lumpur.
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390 MYR

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