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Bus Service at Albufeira Natural Park with a Boat Ride

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bus service at albufeira natural park with a boat ride-3
bus service at albufeira natural park with a boat ride-4
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Discover one of the most important wetlands in the Iberian peninsula with complete ease.


  • Travel to the Albufeira National Park in complete comfort while being surrounded by nature and enjoy a boat trip too.

  • Explore the Albufeira Lake on an immersive boat tour that is included in this package.

  • Learn about the nooks and crannies of this natural space through an audio guide available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Valencian.

  • Did you know that Albufeira National Park provides shelter to over 300 species of birds all year round?


  • Transport through the park by bus

  • Headset for an audio guide in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, and Valencian

  • Boat ride

  • Travel Insurance


Sie können diese Tickets bis zu 24 Stunden vor Erlebnisbeginn stornieren, um eine vollständige Rückerstattung zu erhalten.

Once you board your bus, you are in for a 2-hour adventure through the largest and most important wetlands in the Iberian peninsula! You will be taken throughout the national park, where you can observe hundreds of species of flora and fauna. Stay tuned to your audio guide as you go through the park, it will point out unique sights that will add a flavor of adventure to your tour. Finally, arrive at Albufeira Lake for a dreamy boat ride, an experience that will be the cherry on top through Albufeira National Park.

Important Information

  • Wear comfortable, breathable clothing as temperatures can spike up in the national park.

  • Wear comfortable walking or running shoes for the tour.

  • Your voucher will be emailed to you instantly.

  • Display the voucher on your mobile phone with a valid photo ID at the boarding point.

  • Please arrive at the boarding point 15 minutes before the scheduled time of your tour to avoid any delays.

Boarding Point

  • Board your bus at Carrer del Poeta Querol.

  • Address: C. del Poeta Querol, 10, 46002 València, Spain.

Get Directions to the Boarding Point

Getting There

By Bus

  • The closest bus stop is Teatre Principal. It is a quick 1-minute walk to the boarding point.

  • Board buses #4, #6, or #31 to get you there.

By Subway

  • The closest subway station is Colón. It is a quick 5-minute walk to the boarding point.

  • Board subway services #0, #3, #5, #7, and #9 to get you there.

Fehlende Informationen?

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